Saturday, 21 January 2017

How to Enjoy Natural Beauty

How to Enjoy Natural Beauty

Nature is the combination of five elements: – Earth, Fire, Air, Water and Space and all elements are pure & Natural.
When we visit in nature, we enjoy the nature & Nature gives us lots of things like food, water, fresh air etc.
We should respect Nature & Nature will respect us. All Natural elements have lots of power for our healthy life.
Rishikesh is beautiful city known as world capital of Yoga.
All over the world‘s people are visiting here for doing Yoga & enjoying Natural beauty.
Rishikesh has a beautiful river known as “Ganga” & lots of beautiful Mountains & temples & other spiritual places.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Cleansing Process Benefits for Yoga Therapy


According to Gheranda Samhita oHatha Yoga Pradipika there are six cleansing processes we have known as Shatkarma means 'Shat' → six, 'karma' → procedures.

Six Procedures are:

  • Dhauti
  • Basti
  • Neti
  • Nauli
  • Tratak
  • Kapalbhati

Means :

  • Washing (physical and mental body)
  • Anema
  • Nasal cleansing
  • Abdominal purification technique
  • Eyes and Mental cleaning
  • Shining head kriya
These six procedures are helping us to clean our physical and mental body. As well as it helps​ ​us to be spiritual.
These shat kriyas has lots of powerful benefits.
As the beginners, all kriyas should practice under a good guidance because incorrect knowledge about these kriyas can be problematic ​sometimes​.
Once you become a good practitioner according to your body condition you can practice it by yourself, but before that you should collect all correct information about it.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Yoga Therapy Teacher Training in Rishikesh
Rudray Yoga offers Yoga, Therapy Teacher Training Courses Yoga Teacher Training course, 7 Days Yoga Retreats, 14 Days Ayurveda and Meditation Retreats and alternate Therapy Program in Rishikesh, India.

Yoga Therapy Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Rudray Yogalaya is a modern cutting edge yogalaya (Yoga School) situated in the bank of holy river Ganga. It became the best yoga therapy teacher training school in India.
Our school primary focus is on yoga therapy, yoga teacher training, pranayamas-meditation courses and yoga retreats in Rishikesh, India. Yoga therapy literally means "the healing treatments for various kind of disease".
In this course you will learn yoga and its therapeutic plans. Yoga is just not doing asanas, it is the combination of cleansing, meditation, breathing techniques, therapy and it is more than asanas.
Yoga therapy is a healing way of yoga, combination of modern science and yogic science to improve students their condition, reduce symptoms, restore balance, increase vitality, and improve attitude. Whether it is very difficult to define but it is a self-empowering process, with the help of therapist one can understand the illness and its stages and can recover from it.
In the world of yoga, Yoga therapy is the main segment that focuses on health, wellness and all levels physical, mental, social and spiritual. Yoga therapy is the holistic healing art. Rather than, treatments it focuses on awareness, asanas, cleansing and knowledge of "how to live healthy".